

With Brookline High School in Stadium at 3.--Officials and Entries.

The Freshmen will hold a dual track meet with Brookline High School in the Stadium this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Although there is no great amount of good material in the Freshman squad, there are several fast men who should win some first places. The Freshman will be especially strong in the high jump, the quarter mile run, and the hurdles. Brookline also has some good men who have trained constantly during the past season under their coach, M. G. Loan-man. The Brookline team will probably be strongest in the 100- and 220-yard dashes.

In scoring, five points will be awarded for first place, three for second, and one for third. Bronze medals will be given for first and second places, and in the weight events 12-pound weights will be used instead of 16. The two-mile run will be omitted from the track events.

Admission tickets at 25 cents each are on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's, or may be obtained at the field. H. A. A. tickets will not admit to the games.

The following officials for the meet are requested to report at the Locker Building at 2.45 o'clock.

Referee--J. E. Haigh '03.


Marshal--W. F. Garcelon L.'95.

Judges--W. A. Colwell 5G., M. H. Stone '07, L. P. Dodge '08.

Timers--F. M. Wood, E. J. Dives '06, G. Lowman, C. Marshall '04.

Starter--P. Dana 2L.

Field Judges--W. Peirce '07, H. E. Kersburg '06, J. F. Dovle '07, W. Minot '07.

Measurer--R. P. Boyer '07, S. P. Henshaw '07, W. B. Long '07, C. C. Nash '07.

Inspectors--A. S. Cobb '07, A. M. Harlow '07, S. T. Hubbard, Jr., '07, W. G. Howard '07.

Clerk of Course--G. A. Leland '07.

Assistant Clerks of Course--R. S. Marshall, R. Floyd.

Scorer--J. H. Ijams '07.
