The ball shall be declared dead when any portion of the player except his hands or feet touches the ground while he is in the grasp of an opponent.
It is a touchback when a player on defense permits a ball, kicked by an opponent, to strike his person and then roll across the goal line, and any player of his side then falls on it back of the line. If, however, such player juggles the ball so that he in any way forces it over the line and he or any player of his side then falls on it, it is a safety.
A player trips another when he obstructs him below the knees with that part of his leg that is below the knee. This does not prevent a player from diving under a play provided he does not trip as defined above. Penalty.-Loss of 15 yards.
Hurdling in the open is jumping over or attempting to jump over an opponent who is still on his feet. Hurdling in the line is jumping over, or attenpting to jump over, a player on the line of scrimmage, with the feet or knees foremost, within the distance of five yards on either side of the point where the ball was put in play. Penalty.-Loss of 15 yards.
Time Taken Out.
Either captain may ask that time be taken out three times during each half without a penalty. If thereafter, however, either captain requests that time be called, his side shall be penalized by a loss of two yards for each time unless a player be removed from the game, the number of the down and the distance to be gained remaining the same as they were before the request was made. The Referee, however, may suspend play at any time at his own discretion without penalty to either side.
At the moment when the ball is put in play in a scrimmage, no player of the side which has the ball shall be in motion. Exception.-One man of the side having the ball may be in motion towards his own goal. Penalty.-Loss of 5 yards.
Rush Line Rule for Offense.
Before the ball is put in play at least six players of the side holding the ball must be on the line of scrimmage. If only six players are on the line of scrimmage, one player of those not on the line of scrimmage must stand with both feet outside the outside foot of the player on the end of the line.
No player of those ordinarily occupying the position of centre, guard, or tackle-that is the five middle players of the line-may drop back from the line of scrimmage on the offense unless he is at least 5 yards back of the line of scrimmage when the ball is put in play; and another player takes his place in the line of scrimmage. There shall be no shifting of men to evade this rule. Penalty.-Loss of 5 yards.
After the ball is put in play, the players of the side in possession may obstruct the opponents with the body only, except the player running with the ball, who may ward off opponents with his hands and arms. Holding or unlawful obstruction by the side in possession of the ball includes: (1) grasping an opponent with the hands or arms; (2) placing the hands upon an opponent to push him away from the play; (3) circling in any degree any part of the opponent with the arm; (4) any use of the arms to lift an opponent in blocking. The only allowable use of the arm in blocking or obstructing an opponent is with the arm "close to the body." Penalty.-Loss of 15 yards.
After the ball is put in play, the players of the side not having the ball may use their hands and arms, but only to get their opponents out of the way in order to reach the ball or stop the player carrying the ball. Penalty.-Loss of 5 yards.
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