

University Squad Developing.--Upperclass and 1909 Work and Orders.

First Freshman crew--Stroke, Ellis; 7, Faulkner; 6, Fitzgerald; 5, Kennard; 4, Crandall; 3, Lunt; 2, Cable; bow, E. Cutler; cox., Wise.

Second Freshman crew--Stroke, J. Cutler; 7, Kemp; 6, Reece; 5, Hanfstaengl; 4, Crowell; 3, Poor; 2, Williams; bow, Morrison; cox., Townsend.

Progress of Upperclass Crews.

The class crews have now been rowing on the river for a week and a half and have improved rapidly. The two Senior crews did not row yesterday, but will begin work again on Monday afternoon. Owing to frequent changes the boats are rather unsteady and a coxswain is needed for the second crew. The two Junior crews have practiced steadily and show good promise. Individually the men row in excellent form, but there are several bad breaks in the swing of both boats.

The first two Sophomore crews have developed a strong, fairly steady stroke, but the blade work at times is ragged. There will be a cut in the Sophomore squad next week and the third crew, now unsettled by the frequent changes, will take shape. All the second class crews will be kept throughout the season, and it is possible that races will be arranged with crews outside of the University.


The orders:

Senior crew--Stroke, White; 7, Cabot; 6, Shurtleff; 5, Lord; 4, Appel; 3, Williams; 2, Wright; bow, Cook; cox., Bonelli.

Junior crew--Stroke, Gregg; 7, Swaim; 6, Sherwin; 5, Whitney; 4, Hopewell; 3, Wiswall; 2, French; bow, Reynolds; cox., Ogilby.

Sophomore crew--Stroke, Mason; 7, Whitney; 6, Hyde; 5, Harding; 4, Henry; 3, Tilton; 2, Short; bow., Fahnestock; cox., Dutton.
