
Freshmen Defeated Andover

Phillips Andover Academy was defeated 6 to 0 by the Freshman football team at Andover on Saturday. The Freshmen scored in the first half after getting the ball on Andover's 40-yard line through and exchange of punts. On a forward pass d'Este brought the ball to Andover's 10-yard line, and in two line plunges the Freshmen reached the 1-yard line. Andover held well, but Hoffstot on a straight buck carried the ball over the line for a touchdown. West kicked the goal after a kickout.

The game on the whole was encouraging. Fish outkicked Mason; no fumbles were made by the Freshmen, and no time was taken out on their account. At the close of the game the team was in good condition.

The summary: HARVARD 1910.  ANDOVER. d'Este, l.e.  r.e., Richmond, Mason Fish, l.t.  r.t., Fisher Bacon, l.g.  r.g., Clough Morris, c.  c., Greenough West, r.g.  l.g., Mackay Forster, r.t.  l.t., Rosendale Browne, r.e.  l.e., Haines Galatti, q.b.  q.b., Hopkins Gregory, Page, l.h.  r.h., O'Connor, Moore, Sheldon Watson, r.h.  l.h., Freeman Kilpatrick Hoffstot, Morgan, f.b.  f.b., Favorite.

Score-Harvard 1910, 6; Andover, 0. Touchdown-Hoffstot. Goal from touchdown-West. Referee-C. Marshall '04. Umpires-Bullinger and Hudson. Linesmen-Mackay and Ladd. Timekeeper-Page. Time-15 minute halves.
