
PRIZES FOR 1906-07

List of Those Offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

The Dante Prize.

The Dante Society offers a prize of $100 for the best essay by a student in any department of the University, or by

a graduate of not more than three years standing, on a subject drawn from the life or works of Dante. Essays must be handed in by May 1, 1907.

The Francis Boott Prize.

A prize of $100, to be awarded to the writer of the best composition in concerted vocal music. This competition is open to undergraduates, and the members of any graduate school of the University. Compositions must be submitted before April 1, 1907.


The Sargent Prize.

A prize of $100 is offered for the best metrical translation of a lyric poem of Horace. For 1906-07 the poem to be translated is the thirty-seventh ode of the first book of Horace. The competition is open to undergraduates of Harvard College and of Radcliffe College. Translations must be submitted by May 1, 1907.

The Philo Sherman Bennett Prize.

A new prize, the annual income from $100, is offered this year for the best essay on "The Principles of Free Government". Further particulars will be announced later.

The Lloyd McKim Garrison Prize.

A prize of $100 and a silver medal is offered for the best poem on a subject which will be announced later by the Department of English. All undergraduates in the University will be eligible to compete for this prize.

The David A. Wells Prize.

A prize of $500 "for the best thesis embodying the results of original investigation" in political economy has been offered. The competition is open to Seniors in the College or Scientific School, or Graduates of not more than three years standing from any department. Theses must be handed in before November 1.

Further information regarding prizes offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences is contained in the University Catalogue for 1906-07, and in the special publications of the various departments
