

Term to Extend from July 5 to August 15.--Announcement of Courses.

Philosophy--General introduction to philosophy. General history of philosophy.

Education--General principles of education and courses of study. Organization and administration of schools and school systems. The history of education since the 12th century.

Theory of Pure Design--Course for designers, for teachers of design, and for teachers of the history of art.

Architecture--Architectural drawing. History of European architecture to 1000 A.D. History of modern European architecture.

Music--Principles of music. History of music.


Mathematics--Advanced algebra. Solid geometry. Trigonometry. Plane analytic geometry. Differential and integral calculus.

Surveying--Plane surveying. Geodetic surveying. Railroad surveying.

Shopwork--Chipping, filing, and fitting. Blacksmithing. Pattern making and foundry practice. Machine-shop practice.

Physics--A laboratory course in physics.--especially appropriate to secondary school work. A laboratory course in College physics--selected experiments in general physics of as advanced grade as can be handled without the use of calculus.

Chemistry--Elementary theoretical and descriptive chemistry. Qualitative Analysis, Physical chemistry. Research work.

Botany--Elementary morphological and physiological botany. Advanced course in morphology and ecology.

Geology--Elementary geology. Three courses in advanced field-work.

Physical Education--Theory, four courses. Practice, four courses.

The announcement of the School containing descriptions of the courses showing their aim and scope, the number of exercises, the hours, the fee, and the instructor in each course, as well as information about expenses, reduced railway fares, and a list of private boarding and lodging houses will be sent after March 1, 1906, on application to the Clerk of the Summer School, J. L. Love, University 16. The committee in charge of the Summer School is made up as follows: Dean Shaler, chairman, Professor Royce, Professor Love, Dean Hurlbut, Professor Ford, Dr. Pierce and Dr. Chase
