

Suggested by Harvard Committee.--Coach Reid Proposed Having Forward Pass.

(6) That the penalty for holding or unlawful obstruction by the side in possession of the ball shall be the loss of the ball; also that the penalty for holding or unlawful obstruction shall be inflicted whether the holding affects the play or not;

(7) That any interference with the player behind the line of scrimmage after he has kicked the ball shall be punished with immediate disqualification;

(8) That a competent body of officials shall be selected in advance of the playing season. Your Committee suggests the following method of selection:

That the Rules Committee shall be requested to appoint a committee of three men not members of the Rules Committee or of the coaching staff of any college; that this committee of three shall have full charge of selecting and instructing a corps of football officials; that it shall select in such manner as it sees fit the officials for any intercollegiate contests for which it shall receive a written request from the head coaches of the opposing teams accompanied by the required fee, provided such request shall be received not less than twenty days before the game; that it shall not announce the officials so chosen until the day of the game, but shall be responsible for their prompt attendance;

(9) That, in general, all rules shall be strictly interpreted and enforced.


Your Committee believes that such changes as are suggested above are essential to the preservation of the game.

Under (b) your Committee recommends:

(1) That in a scrimmage the holder of the ball shall place it flat upon the ground and put it in play with its long axis at right angles to the line of scrimmage, and that until the ball is put in play no part of any player, except of the man who puts the ball in play, shall be ahead of the point of the ball nearer his own goal.

The following arguments in favor of this rule appeal strongly to your Committee:

1. It will prevent personal contact, and will tend thereby to eradicate brutality in the line.

2. It will make holding more difficult and easier of detection.

3. It will tend to prevent injuries.

4. it will simplify the duties of the officials.

5. It will make the game more visible;

(2) That the distance to be gained in three downs shall be increased from 5 yards to ten yards, provided the defence be weakened or the offence materially strengthened;
