
Commencement Parts

The following candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1905, having attained a grade of A or B in at least nine courses or their equivalent, and having attained also a grade of C or higher in as many courses as they are required to pursue for admission, without deficiency, to the Senior class, are provisionally entitled to degrees with distinction and to Commencement Parts:

P. R. Ammidon.

C. G. Bachrach.

F. W. Bailey.

J. R. Barclay.


W. Bellamy.

W. B. Blake.

C. L. Chandler.

C. B. Clapp.

H. B. Cleworth.

L. M. Cohen.

M. Collingwood.

R. K. Conant.

P. T. Coolidge.

D. Davis.
