3. The officers, namely: Marshals, Secretary, Poet, Odist, Ivy Orator, Orator, and Chorister shall be elected on Tuesday, December 12, and the committees on Friday, December 15.
4. Polls shall be open from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. each day at the CRIMSON office.
5. Voters.
(a) All men who are candidates for the degrees of A.B. or S.B. in 1906, all men who have received or will receive their degrees as of the class of 1906, and all men who are fourth year special students shall be eligible to vote or hold office. No man who has voted or held office in any previous Class Day elections shall be eligible.
(b) A provisional list of voters, compiled by the Election Committee, will be posted at the Union, Leavitt & Peirce's, Memorial Hall, Randall Hall and the CRIMSON office on Saturday, December 9.
(c) Any man whose name is not on the list of voters compiled by the Election Committee may petition the Committee, and such petition shall be passed on finally by the Committee. Petitions must be placed in a box provided for the purpose at the CRIMSON office, before 7 P. M., Sunday, December 10.
6. (a) Additional nominations must be made by petitions to the Election Committee, signed by 50 eligible voters. All petitions must be placed in the box provided for that purpose at the CRIMSON office, before 7 P. M., Sunday, December 10.
(b) The provisional list of nominations will be published in the CRIMSON of Saturday, December 9. The final list of nominations for officers will be published in the CRIMSON of Monday, December 11.
The final list of nominations for committees will be published in the CRIMSON of Thursday, December 14.
(c) No person may run for more than one office or Committee. Any candidate failing of election to an office is eligible for nomination to a committee, such nominations to be made by the Election Committee on a petition of 50 eligible voters. Such petitions must be placed in a box provided for that purpose at the CRIMSON office, before 7 P. M., Wednesday, December 13.
7. Every elector shall vote for three candidates for Marshals, indicating his preference for First, Second and Third Marshal. Of the three elected, that candidate receiving the highest number of votes for First Marshal shall be declared First Marshal; of the other two elected that one whose total for First Marshal and Second Marshal shall be greater shall be Second Marshal; and the other candidate elected shall be Third Marshal.
Every elector shall vote for three candidates for the Class and Photograph Committees, and for seven candidates for the Class Day Committee, indicating in the case of each committee his preference for Chairman. The three candidates receiving the highest number of votes for the Class and Photograph Commit-
tees and the seven candidates receiving the highest number of votes for the Class Day Committee shall be declared elected. Of the men elected the one receiving the highest number of votes for Chairman shall be Chairman.
If any office or any position becomes vacant for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled by that candidate who shall have received the next highest number of votes for that office or committee.
9. Every ballot not containing the required number of names for the respective committees shall be invalid for that committee.
10. Men who are absent from Cambridge on election days by permission of the College office may petition the Election Committee to be allowed to vote by mail. Such petitions must be placed in the box provided for the purpose at the CRIMSON office before 7 P. M. on Monday, December 11. The Committee shall consider each question on its merits.
11. At future meetings of the class the First Marshal shall preside, and in his absence the Chairman of the Class Committee. The First Marshal and Secretary shall be members of the Class Committee ex-officio