

SCORE 6 to 0.

The Second Half.

Barney replaced Parker at centre. Burr kicked to Jones on Yale's five-yard line. After one rush Roome punted to Foster, who was downed at mid-field.

Brill made seven yards on two tries through centre. Brill was dragged outside right guard for five yards. H. Jones took Cates' place at left end. Starr was hurt, but continued in the game.

Brill made two yards through centre, then three more through Forbes. Brill went through left tackle, gaining 2 1-2 yards, and followed with three more through centre.

Morse taken out for rough playing. Hoyt took Morse's place.


Foster lost one yard and then kicked from position to Yale's 10-yard line; the kick was run back to Yale's 35-yard line. Roome was dragged along through left guard for seven yards; he added 12 more through left end; he then failed to gain. Hoyt punted to Foster, who was downed on Harvard's 25-yard line.

Squires made three yards through centre. Wendell went round Forbes for eight yards. Squires failed to gain on the next play. Squires gained five yards outside Erwin. Squires added two more through centre, and gained two yards outside Forbes. He made it first down through centre. Harvard was penalized five yards for offside play. Carr went around Shevlin's end for 20 yards. Brill was pushed through left guard for eight yards. He added two more in the same place; Squires made three yards through left guard, leaving the ball on Yale's 35-yard line.

Wendell went through left tackle for two yards. Levine took Quill's place at fullback for Yale. Squires broke through left tackle for six yards. Wendell hurdled Forbes for three more, putting the ball on Yale's 25-yard line. Hockernberger goes in at left guard and Hutchinson replaced Jones at quarterback. Squires made three yards through Forbes, but was penalized five yards for offside play. Starr lost five yards on a quarterback run round end. Burr punted to Hutchinson who was downed on Yale's 19-yard line.

Roome gained four yards through left tackle. On the next play Roome was tackled by Carr and failed to gain. Hoyt-punted to Starr, who was instantly downed on Harvard's 43-yard line. Foster gained one yard through Bigelow; Brill gained two yards through right guard; Burr punted outside on Yale's 49-yard line. Nichols replaced Foster at left halfback.

Yale got the ball on a fumble, and punted to Harvard's 30-yard line. Nichols fumbled, and Yale got the ball on Harvard's 30-yard line. Levine gained two yards through left guard, and Forbes added two more in the same place. Levine went round left end for five yards. Forbes made one yard and Levine added three around left end. Forbese made two more through centre. Forbes added one yard on the next rush, putting the ball on Harvard's 11 yard line. Brill was hurt. Montgomery takes his place.

Levine broke through for six yards, and then for two more, putting the ball on Harvard's three-yard line. Forbes went through right tackle for a touchdown.

Hoyt kicked a goal.

Score--Yale, 6; Harvard, 0.

Burr kicked off to Shevlin, who received the ball over the goal line and ran it back 17 yards. Levine went outside left guard for four yards and added three more through Squires. Forbes gained one yard; Levine made it first down around left end. Levine was unable to gain through centre. Yale penalized five yards for offside play. Knox tried right end but lost five yards. Knox went through right tackle for 10 yards. Hoyt punted to Nichols, who was downed on the 40-yard line. Newhall replaced Starr at quarterback.

Nichols gained three yards through left tackle. Wendell went round right end for three yards. Montgomery made three yards through centre. Nichols on a cross buck gained one yard. Wendell lost five yards, but recovered the ball. Burr punted to Hutchinson on the 35-yard line, who ran it back 15 yards.

Flinn replaced Levine at fullback..

With Beigelow back, Yale failed to gain. Smith went in at centre in place of Flanders. Having gained only two yards on the next rush, Hoyt punted to Harvard's 28-yard line. A Yale player touching the ball, Montgomery failed to gain. Burr punted to Hutchinson, who was downed on Yale's 40-yard line.

Flinn made four yards through left guard.

Flinn made four yards through centre. Time was called with the ball one Yale's 50-yard line.

Final score--Yale, 6; Harvard, 0.--Courtesy of The Boston Globe.THE YALE TEAM AND SUBSTITUTES.
