

Lecture and Conference Courses and Group Classes to Start Next Week.

Eleven regular courses are offered in Phillips Brooks House this year, and the first meetings of all but one will be held next week, at times and places given below, or to be announced later in the CRIMSON.

Of the following four courses, the first two have been given for the past two years, and the last two are offered now for the first time.

Dean Hodges' Course.

Historical Books of the Old Testament. Rev. George Hodges, D.D., Dean of the Episcopal Theological School.

Tuesday evenings at 7, Brooks Parlor. This course deals with the historical books of the Old Testament chronologically in the light of modern literary and historical studies.


Mr. Copeland's Course.

Course in the Reading of the English Bible. Mr. C. T. Copeland. The first meeting of this course will come in November and will be announced in the CRIMSON.

Dr. Worcester's Course.

Fundamental Beliefs of the Christian Religion. The Rev. Elwood Worcester, Ph.D., Rector of Emmanuel Church, Boston. Friday evenings at 7.30. Noble Room.

This course is intended for men who, regardless of their religious belief, desire to study the doctrines of Christianity in a manner at once inclusive in its scope and in its appeal, thorough in its effort to consider the fundamental and essential elements of the Christian religion, and yet sympathetic toward the views of all who honestly differ.

The Reasonableness of Christianity.

Rev. Samuel McComb, D.D., curate at Emmanuel Church, Boston. Time and place of meeting to be announced later.

Dr. McComb is especially fitted to lead a course of this nature, having conducted a large and very successful course of the same kind at Glasgow, Scotland. He desires to treat the subject rather by means of informal conferences than by set lectures, and hopes that it may afford an opportunity for free discussion of the claim which Christianity may reasonably make on educated, thinking men of the present day.

The following partial list of subjects will serve to indicate the general character of this course: The Place of Christianity in the Religious History of the World; How Far are the Gospels Historical? What is Christianity? The Resurrection of Christ; Christianity and Science; Christianity and the Social Problem.

Of the following four courses, the first and third are new, the second and fourth have been given before.
