
Provisional Class Day Program.

The following Class Day program has been provisionally arranged:

9 A. M. The Senior class will assemble in front of Holworthy and march to Appleton Chapel, where prayer will be offered by Rev. Francis G. Peabody.

10.15. Sanders Theatre will be opened to ticketholders.

10.55. Sanders Theatre will be closed to all but Seniors.

10.45. The Senior class will assemble in front of Holworthy and march to Sanders Theatre.


2 P. M. The Yard will be cleared of all but ticketholders.

2-7. Music in the Yard.

3.30. Seniors assemble in front of Holworthy for Tree exercises.

3.45. The Stadium will be opened to ticketholders.

Graduates, three lower classes, Glee Club and band assemble in Yard.

4.15. Graduates, three lower classes, Glee Club and band march to Stadium.

Seniors march around the Yard cheering the buildings.

4.30. Seniors march to the Stadium.

4.45. Exercises at the Stadium begin.

7-9. President Eliot's reception.
