

In the Stadium at 3 o'clock.--A Close Score Expected.

5.05--220-yard dash, final heat.

Order of Field Events.

3--Putting 16-1b. shot.

3--Running high jump.

3--Pole vault.


3.30--Throwing 16-1b. hammer.

3.45--Running broad jump.

List of Entries.

The final list of entries for the games is as follows:

Track Events.

100-yard dash--Harvard: W. A. Schick, Jr., '05, L. Grilk '04, M. G. Perkins '06, S. T. McCall 1L., W. D. Thompson '07, E. D. Hamilton '06. Yale: C. Sumner '07, D. J. Torrey '07, R. L. Twitchell '07, J. G. Lowe '07, H. G. Alexander '05S.

220-yard dash--Harvard: W. A. Schick, Jr., '05, L. Grilk '04, M. G. Perkins '06, E. J. Dives '06, T. B. Dorman '06, E. C. Rust '04. Yale: C. B. Long '04S., D. J. Torrey '07, R. L. Twithcell '07, C. Sumner '07.

440-yard run--Harvard: E. C. Rust '04, E. J. Dives '06, B. L. Young, Jr., '07. Yale: C. B. Long '04S., S. R. Burnap, Jr., '06, F. E. Ewing '06S.

880-yard run--Harvard: H. B. Young '04, F. S. Buffum '04, S. Curtis '06, A. S. Cobb '07. Yale: E. B. Parsons '07, D. M. Moffatt 1G., C. Hill '07.

One mile run--Harvard: W. A. Colwell 3G., H. H. Rowland '06, A. Dana '06, D. W. Howes 1G., C. H. Sutherland '06, S. T. Hubbard '07. Yale: C. B. Alcott '05S., C. Hill '07. N. Armstrong '05S., C. S. Jacobus '05.
