

Annoucement Just Made That the University Has Become a Member.

Official announcement has just been made that within the last year Harvard has become a member of the College Entrance Examination Board, and that Dean Hurlbut, who is the representative of the University of the Board, has been m made its vice-chairman. The other officers are President Butler, of Columbia, chairman, and Professor Fiske, of Columbia, secretary.

This board is the outgrowth of an idea advanced some years ago by President Eliot and put into form in 1900 by Mr. Seth Low, then president of Columbia. It was formed for the purpose of providing a set of examinations which may be taken by men from any of the schools represented in the Board and which will admit to any of the colleges belonging to it. Those who wish, however, may take the regular examinations provided by the different colleges. Owing to the fact that the present requirements for by the examinations set by the Board in certain subjects, candidates will have to take the examinations set by the University in these subjects. The University also reserves the right to read the examinations papers that have been graded by the Board readers.

The Association, was formed in large messier, to aid the schools in their work of preparation for the different colleges, with the idea that by having uniform examinations, the work can be greatly simplified. Board examinations are at present held in the following subjects: English, History, Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish, Mathematics (including elementary and advanced algebra, plane and solid geometry and trigonometry), Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Geography and Drawing. The papers in each subject are set by a separate committee of examiner appointed by the Board and consisting of two college teachers and one school teacher. The questions are then submitted to a final committee of revision, made up entirely of representatives from the schools. After the examinations, the papers are corrected and graded by readers appointed by the Association.

Particulars in regard to when the first Board examinations for Harvard will be held, and as to which Board examinations will be accepted by Harvard, will be announced later.
