
Changes in Courses for 1903-1904.

Three new courses will be given in mathematics: 32, a course on celestial mechanics, by Mr. Whittemore; 7c, a half-course on the application of tetrahedral co-ordinates to quadric surfaces and 21b, a half-course on the calculus of finite differences, both by Professor J. M. Peirce.

Two new courses in astronomy are added: 4, a half-course on spherical astronomy, by Mr. J. F. Cole, and 5, a full course on practical astronomy, by Assistant Professor Willson.

Assistant Professor Hughes will have charge of the engineering courses given this year by Mr. D. L. Turner. He will give also a new half-course, 4f, in railroad engineering.

Assistant Professor Ward will give a new half-course, Geology 2, on the climatalogy of the United States.

Anthropology 8, a new half-course on American Indian languages, will be given by Dr. Dixon.


Professor Goodwin, in collaboration with Professor J. H. Wright, will give Greek 8, a survey of Greek philosophy from Thales to Aristotle.

Professor Taussig, who, on account of ill health, was unable to give his courses this year, will resume his courses, Economics 1, 2, 7b, and 20c.
