Munsey's--"The Ritual of the Church," by C. C. Grafton 1.'53.
National--"Art Movements of Today," by F. M. Coburn '91.
Outing--"Tommy O'Connor," by E. P. Bloss '94; "Return to the Country," by R. Hitchcock '97.
Popular Science Monthly--"Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty," by F. A. Woods m.'98; "Biography in the Schools," by T. H. Haines, A.M., '98.
Science--"New York Academy of Sciences," by G. I. Finlay '98; "Herbaria Formationum Coloradensium," by W. E. Ganong '87.
Scribner's--"Books about Nature," by H. C. Merwin '74.
World's Work--"The Coming of the Automobile," by Henry Norman '81.
Booklover's--"The Men Behind the Footlights," and "The Problem Play," by Norman Hapgood '90.