2. The officers, namely: Marshals, Secretary, Poet, Ivy Orator, Odist, Orator, and Chorister, shall be elected on Monday, December 15, and the committees shall be elected on Wednesday, December 17.
3. Polls shall be open from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. each day, at Phillips Brooks House and the CRIMSON office.
4. Electors.
(a) Men who will obtain an A.B. or a B.S. degree next June, and fourth year specials in good standing, who have not participated in any previous Senior Class election shall be eligible to vote. Doubtful cases shall be decided by the Election Committee.
(b) A provisional list of voters, compiled by the Election Committee, will be posted at the Union, Leavitt and Peirce's, Memorial Hall, and Phillips Brooks House by Saturday, December 6.
(c) Any person whose name does not appear on the provisional list, must, in order to be entitled to vote, send a note, setting forth his claims to eligibility, to S. Blaikie, CRIMSON office, before Wednesday, December 10.
5. Nominations.
(a) Additional nominations for any office or Committee, may be made upon petition of fifty voters.
(b) These petitions must be filed at the CRIMSON office before noon on Friday, December 12.
(c) The final list of nominations will be published in the CRIMSON, Saturday, December 13.
(d) No person can ran for more than one office or one committee. Any candidate failing of election to an office, is eligible for nomination to a Committee by the Election Committee or on petition of fifty voters.
6. Every elector shall vote for three candidates for Marshals, indicating his preference for First, Second, and Third Marshal. Of the three elected, that candidate receiving the highest number of votes for First Marshal shall be First Marshal; of the other two elected, that one whose total vote for First and Second Marshal shall be greater, shall be Second Marshal; and the other candidate elected shall be Third Marshal.
7. Every elector shall vote for three candidates for each Committee, indicating his preference for Chairman. The three candidates receiving the highest number of votes for each Committee shall be declared elected. Of these three elected, that one receiving the highest number of votes for Chairman shall be the Chairman of the Committee.
8. Any ballot not containing three names for each Committee shall be thrown out.
It was also decided at the meeting that a vote should be taken at the class elections to decide whether the class should wear caps and gowns during the month of May, or only on Class Day.