
University Calendar.

*Open to the public. **Open to the University

*Cercle Francais Lecture. La Louisiane. M.Alcee Fortier, of the Federation de I'Alliance Francaise. Sanders Theatre, 4 p. m.

*Freshman Debating Club. Second Trials to select team for SophomoreFreshman Debate. Sever 11, 7 p. m. Question: "Resolved, That the policy of the United States as expressed in the Monroe Doctrine should be continued."

Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert. Soloist: Mr. Anton von Rooy. Sanders Theatre, 7.45 p. m. Programme: Rimski Korsakoff, Overture "La Fiancee du Tzar"; Marschner, Aria from Hans Heiling; Bizet, Suite, "L'Arlesienne";-Aria-; Hans Huber, Symphony in E minor.

**Natural History Society. Papers: Birds of Martha's Vineyard Island, Mr. H. V. Greenough. The Recent Springfield Geological Trip, Mr. E. S. Bryant. Notes on a Summer about Portland, Mr. G. L. Prescott. Pike and Trout Fishing in Worcester County, Mr. A. Peterson. Harvard Union, Room 6, 8 p. m.

Friday, November 21.


*Divinity School. Devotional Service with Sermon. Mr. G. N. Holcomb. Divinity Chapel, 7.30 p. m.

Appleton Chapel-Sunday Evenings.

Nov. 16.-Rev. W. H. P. Faunce, D.D., President of Brown University.

Nov. 23 and 30.-Rev. Professor Francis Brown, D.D.; of New York.

Dec. 7.-Rev. Professor W. W. Fenn, of Cambridge.

Dec. 14.-Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D.D., of Princeton, N. J.

Dec. 21.-Rev. Professor W. W. Fenn, of Cambridge.

Geological Museum Lectures.

A course of four public illustrated lectures will be given under the direction of the Division of Geology, in the new geological lecture-room, S. W. corner of the University Museum, Oxford street entrance, on successive Friday afternoons at 4.30, beginning Friday, November 28.

Nov. 28.-The Lesson of the Colorado Canon. (Illustrated by Stereopticon.) Professor W. M. Davis.

Dec. 5.-Clouds, their formation and classification. (Illustrated by stereopticon.) Professor R. deC. Ward.

Dec. 12. Experimental Geology. (Illustrated by stereopticon and experiments.) Dr. T. A. Jaggar.

Dec. 19. Crystal Optics and the structure of Crystals. (Illustrated by projections with the polariscope.) Professor J. E. Wolff
