

Begin at 4 on Soldiers Field.--List of Entries and Officials.

16 lb. hammer throw--R. Oveson '05 (sc.), H. J. Elam 2L. (sc.), B. F. Sherman '05 (10 ft.), F. L. Arensberg '04 (10 ft.).


Below is given a list of the officials. Any one who is unable to serve should leave word for A. F. Nazro at the CRIMSON office before 12 o'clock today.

Marshalls -- S. G. Wells '86, M. T. Lightner '03.

Referee--W. F. Garcelon '95 L. S.


Judges at the Finish--S. Waller '03, O. Chew '03, F. R. Dickinson '03.

Timers--F. M. Wood, B. A. A., T. A. Burke '99.

Field Judges--C. H. Robinson '04, W. A. Schick '05 H. S. Knowles 1L.

Clerk of Course--A. F. Nazro '03.

Assistant Clerks of Course--V. S. Manson '04, T. P. Beale '04.

Starter--John Graham.

Inspectors--D. DuBois '03, F. B. Scheuber '05.

Measurers -- L. Cobb '04, H. H. Berry '04, W. Kent '04.

Announced--C. G. Loring '03.

Scorer--C. de Young '05
