

Will be Open for inspection Today. Description of the interior.

The eastern end of the basement is occupied by the kitchen, scullery, storage rooms, dining and dressing rooms for the servants, and a bar-room for soft drinks. The boiler rooms, shower-baths, dressing rooms, and barber-shop also occupy sections of the basement.

Under the living room is the large billiard hall for upper-class men. There is a great deal of space here, but the light is not quite as good as in the freshman room. All the floor space will be taken up by the tables, and a row of wooden seats has been built around the walls.

The CRIMSON, and perhaps the Bulletin, will occupy the whole west end of the basement, which can be reached by a special entrance on Quincy street. One-half of this space will be given to the printing rooms, while the other will be used for the offices and sanctum.

The space under the round porch will be used for the offices of the H. A. A., and of the treasurer of the Union. These offices can be reached from the billiard room, or by a private entrance from Harvard street.

The treasurer, H. K. Brent '98, will have entire charge of the Union, under the supervision of the house committee and the trustees. All the plans will be carried out under his direction during the summer. The Union will be ready for use in the fall.


All members of the University wishing to join the Union may do so by stating their intention in writing to the secretary, and paying the entrance fee. The first members will be elected in large numbers by the membership committee, as early as possible in the autumn.
