

The Order of Events Today and During Commencement Week.

Examination for admission to the Dental School.

President and Fellows of Harvard College. Meeting at No. 17 Quincy St., Cambridge, 11 a. m.

Divinity School. Meeting of th Alumni in Divinity Chapel, at 10 a. m.--At 11.30, at the same place, an address by the Rev. W. W. Fenn, of the Class of '87. Subject: The Symbolic Christ.--At 1 p. m., social gathering at Brooks House, with dinner at 1.30, to be followed by addresses.

Harvard Medical Alumni Association. Meeting at the Harvard Medical School Building, 12 m.--Dinner at Hotel Vendome, 1 p. m.

Harvard Law School Association. Annual Business Meeting at the Rooms of the Boston Bar Association, Boston, 3.30 p. m.


Radcliffe College. Commencement Exercises at Sanders Theatre, 4.30 p. m.

Wednesday (Commencement), June 27.

Board of Overseers. Meeting at University 5, 9 a. m.

Election of Overseers. Massachusetts Hall, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Commencement Exercises. Sanders Theatre. The President and Fellows, Overseers, Faculties and their officers will meet the invited guests and Alumni of the University at Massachusetts Hall, at 9.45 p. m. and, escorted by the Candidates for Degrees, will proceed to Sanders Theatre. The Theatre will be open to ticket-holders at 9.30 and eats will be reserved till 9.55.

Association of the Alumni. Business meeting Harvard Hall .

Commencement Dinner Memorial Hall, 2.30 p. m. The Alumni and invited guests will assemble in Massachusetts Hall, at 2 p. m., and march in procession to Memorial Hall. Tickets for the dinner [price, one dollar] will be for sale at Massachusetts Hall from 10 to 2 o'clock. Officers of instruction of the Academic Department, though not graduates of the College, are entitled to purchase tickets.

Lawrence Scientific School Association. Annual meeting in Lawrence 1 at close of exercises in Sanders Theatre.

Thursday, June 28.

Examinations for admission to the Law, Medical, and Veterinary Schools.

Phi Beta Kappa (Harvard Chapter.) Business meeting. Harvard Hall, 10 a. m.--Oration by William Everett, LL.D.--Poem by Clinton Scollard, A.M. Sanders Theatre, 12 m. The public are cordially invited to attend the exercises in Sanders Theatre. At the conclusion of the exercises the Society will march to Massachusetts Hall, where dinner will be served. Tickets for the dinner at Sever's bookstore
