Harvard-Princeton Debate. Sanders Theatre, 8 p. m. Subject: "Resolved, That England's claims in her controversy with the Transvaal are justifiable." The Harvard team will support the affirmative. Admission by ticket only. Reserved seat tickets, fifty cents each, may be obtained, beginning Monday, December 11, at 9 a. m., in Cambridge at Thurston's, Harvard square, and in Boston at Herrick's Ticket Agency, Copley Square, and at Hotel Tonraine.
Appleton Chapel--Sunday Evenings.
Dec. 10.--Rev. President William Jewett Tucker, D.D., of Dartmouth College.
Dec. 17.--Rev. Frederic Palmer, of Andover.
Symphony Concerts.
Thursday evenings, Dec. 28, 1899; Jan. 11, Jan. 25, Feb. 8, Mar. 1, Mar. 15, 1900.
Chamber Concerts.
Tuesday evenings, Jan. 9, Jan. 30, Feb. 13, Feb. 27, Mar. 13, Apr. 3, Apr. 24, 1900