
Communication from the Senior Committee on Election

To the Editors of the Crimson:

Since the action of the Senior class at its meeting on Friday night, it has been learned that the name then adopted for the new committee, namely "Senior Dance Committee," is altogether a misnomer. The name "Senior Dance" has always been applied to the dances held in Memorial Hall and the Gymnasium on the evening of Class Day. Now the new committee is to have charge of the dance for Seniors and invited guests, which for the last two years has been held on the evening before Class Day, and has been known as the "Senior Spread." If then this committee is to be named in accordance with its function, it must be called the "Senior Spread Committee."

Consultation with members of former Class Day Committees and consideration of the labors involved in Class Day preparations have made it very clear that the new committee cannot undertake its duties independently of the Class Day Committee without great waste of money and of energy. The Class Day Committee must for the sake of economy have full charge of finances, both in contracting for services and supplies, and in paying the bills. Much of the expense for the Senior Spread consists of items covered by general contracts made by the Class Day Committee under a system which is the growth of years, and has been in full operation since 1896. The introduction of an independent committee simply means the overthrow of this well-tried system, and the necessity of developing a new one, which cannot possibly be so economical or effective. It must then be clearly understood that the Senior Spread Committee is to be subordinate to the Class Day Committee and responsible to that committee for its action. T. H. Whitney,   R. C. Bolling,   W. C. Heilman,   J. E. McCloskey,   W. Morrow, Committee on Election.

As there seems to be no possible alternative action in regard either to the name for the constitution of this new committee, the trouble of convening a class meeting for the purpose of discussion seems to be superfluous. If, therefore, there is no objection through the columns of the CRIMSON, the action of the Committee on Elections will be considered final.   W. A. M. Burden, President.



The attention of Seniors is called to the following rules concerning nominations.

"All nominations for offices and committees must be sent to T. H. Whitney, CRIMSON office, before 9 p. m., on Monday, December 11.

"The preliminary list of nominees will be published in the CRIMSON on Tuesday, December 12. Withdrawals from nominations must be made to T. H. Whitney, CRIMSON office, before 9 p. m. Tuesday, December 12. The final list of nominees will be published in the CRIMSON, Wednesday, December 13, and Thursday, December 14."

The following nominations have been field with the Committee:

Marshals--W. A. Boal, W. A. M. Burden, F. L. Higginson, Jr., A. N. Rice.

Secretary--Eliot Spalding.

Poet--E. L. Dudley.

Ivy Orator--J. H. Holliday, W. S. McCornick, W. Stickney.

Odist--R. S. Holland, W. Morrow.

Orator--R. C. Bolling.
