
Batting and Fielding Averages of the College Nine.

The College nine finished its season last Monday at Burlington defeating the University of Vermont team by a score of 6-2.

Exclusive of the practice games played early in the season with the University nine, the College team has won ten games and lost four. Of these four games three were played before some of the regular team were allowed to play on account of their studies. The nine has been somewhat handicapped by a lack of pitchers, and it was necessary in several of the games for one of the outfielders to pitch. J. Galbraith was in the box for eleven games, eight of which he won.

The regular make-up of the nine was: J. Galbraith, p.; Slade, c.; Lewis, 1b.; Maguire, 2b.; Ewer, 3b.; A. Galbraith, s. s.; Sears (capt.), l. f.; Lane, c. f.; Farrington, r. f.

Following is a list of games with the scores:

College Nine, 12 Freshmen, 2 College Nine, 16 Groton, 1


College Nine, 7 Boston Univ. 3 College Nine, 9 West Point, 2

College Nine, 6 Freshmen, 8 College Nine, 8 Boston College, 0

College Nine, 3 Malden, 9 College Nine, 2 Hopkinson, 5

College Nine, 6 Som'ville High, 10 College Nine, 8 Vesper C. C., 6

College Nine, 9 Brookline High, 0 College Nine, 4 St. Marks, 0

College Nine, 8 Institute Tech., 0 College Nine, 6 Univ. of Vt., 2

Below are given the averages of the College nine for the fourteen scheduled games of the season. The batting average is obtained by dividing the number of base hits by the times at bat; the total batting average by dividing the total number of bases by the times at bat; the fielding average by dividing the number of chances accepted by the total number of chances.


Put Outs. Assists. Errors. Average. 2b. 3b. 4b. Bases

Slade, 59 19 2 975 1 1 0 7
