
University Calendar.

27. Monday.Harvard Dental Alumni Association. "Alumni Day." Reception and Registration of Visitors, and Exhibition of Year's Work in the School. School building, North Grove St., Boston, 9 a. m. Twenty-Seventh Annual Banquet, with Social Gathering and Business Meeting, 5 p. m. Young's Hotel, Boston.

28. Tuesday.Examinations for admission to Harvard College and the Lawrence Scientific School begin.

Examinations for admission to the Dental School.

President and Fellows of Harvard College. Meeting at No. 17 Quincy street, Cambridge, 11 a. m.

Divinity School. Meeting of the Alumni in Divinity Chapel, at 9.30 a. m.- At 11.30, at the same place, an address by the Rev, S. B. Stewart, of the Class of '62.- At 1 p. m. a dinner will be served at the Colonial Club House, to be followed by addresses.


Harvard Medical Alumni Association. Meeting at the Harvard Medical School Building, 12 m.- Dinner at Hotel Vendome, 1 p. m.

Harvard Law School Association. Business Meeting at the Rooms of the Boston Bar Association, Boston, 3.30 p. m.

Lawrence Scientific School Association. Meeting and dinner at the Colonial Club House, 7 p. m.

Radcliffe College. Commencement exercises at Sanders Theatre, 4.30 p. m.

29. Wednesday.Board of Overseers. Meeting in the Faculty Room, 5 University Hall, 9 a. m.

Election of Overseers. Massachusetts Hall, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Commencement Exercises. Sanders Theatre, 10.30 a. m.

The candidates for degrees, in gowns or dark clothes, will assemble at 9.45 o'clock: Candidates for the degree of A. B. in front of Holworthy Hall; candidates for other degrees in front of Stoughton and Hollis.

The procession will be formed and led by J. H. Perkins, First Marshal of the Senior Class, to whom other marshals should report.

Candidates for degrees do not themselves need tickets of admission to Sanders Theatre. A limited number of tickets will be distributed to candidates for the use of their friends. Candidates for the degrees of A. B., S. B., S. M., A. M., S. D., Ph. D., LL. B. and D. B. may apply for such tickets at the window at the northeast corner of Massachusetts Hall on Monday, June 27, between 10 and 11 a. m. Application must be made in person, and no candidate will receive more than one ticket. Candidates for the degrees of M. D. V., D. M. D., and M. D. may apply to the Deans of their respective schools on Monday, June 27.
