Of the Yale seniors who are going to study law next year, six will enter the Yale Law School; twenty-one the Harvard Law School; fourteen the New York Law School; seven the Columbia Law School, and four scattering. Seventy-seven will study in offices or schools not yet selected.
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Special Notices.Recommended Articles
Graduate School Opening.At the annual opening meeting of the Graduate School last night, Dean Wright presided, introducing Professor William W. Goodwin, who
MEDICAL SCHOOL A DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL BEGINNINGSAssistant Dean of the Medical School. This is the tenth of a series of articles which is being published by
Dining Association Election.The election of the Dining Association last night resulted as follows: President, H. C. Lakin L. S.; vice-president, F. F.
H. D. A. Directors.The following men were last night elected directors of Memorial Hall for the ensuing year: From '97, A. Scott and
H. D. A. Elections.The vote for vice-president of the Harvard Dining Association last night resulted in the election of L. A. Ames '96.
GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS.The following nominations have been made for fellowships in the Graduate School for 1895-96. RESIDENT APPOINTMENTS.The Morgan Fellowships: - Charles