
Dining Association Election.

The election of the Dining Association last night resulted as follows: President, H. C. Lakin L. S.; vice-president, F. F. Lamson '97. Lakin received 280 votes, with 136 scattering; Lamson 288, 129 scattering.

The election of directors will be held tonight during the dinner hour. There will be two directors from '97, two '98, and two from '99; one from the Graduate School and Instructors; one from the Divinity School; and two from the Law School.

The nominations are as follows:

Ninety-seven.- G. Buckman, W. H. Cram, H. H. Hill, A. K. Moe, A. Scott.

Ninety-eight.- F. H. Bigelow, J. E. Bunting, M. L. Butler, S. L. Fuller, W. M. Gardner, C. Grilk.


Ninety-nine.- P. L. Burrill, W. C. Gerrish.

Law School.- J. P. Hall, F. G. McKean, G. S. T. Newell.

Graduates and Instructors.- L. T. Damon, R. A. Daly.

Divinity School.- J. W. Rice, H. White.
