
Special Notice.

DANA CHAMBERS.- Two choice corner singles. Large window seats. All quartered oak finish. Best of plumbing. Steam heat. Gas and electric light. Hard wood floors. Send for pamphlet or call at Cambridge Savings Bank, Cambridge.

TUTORING for Finals and other Exams.- French A, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2c, 6c, 6. German A, B, C, 1a, 1b, 1c, E, F, G, 2.

E. T. LAMBERT, A. B., 15 Remington St., Oppo. Ware Hall.

A full line of low and high shoes, black, tan and patent, price $3.50 to $8.00, at Newman's.

BOXING.- Do you want to take boxing lessons? If so there is no better man than Wm. S. Gordon, who has been appointed instructor at the Gymnasium. Lessons at Gymnasium or at rooms. Wm. S. Gordon, 74 Boylston street, Boston. 27tf

