

Loose Fielding and Hard Hitting Characterize Game.- Fitz Injured.

The game with Amherst yesterday afternoon, which the 'Varsity won by a score of twenty runs to six, brought out some good hitting, though rather inexcusably ragged fielding. The most discouraging feature of the afternoon's work was the unfortunate injury to Fitz in the fifth inning. He has been suffering from a lame arm for some time and in the game yesterday the weakness took the form of a more or less permanent injury in the straining of a tendon which may prevent his pitching in the Princeton game next Saturday.

In the first inning, Fitz as usual showed his poorest form, allowing Amherst to score two runs, both of which, however, might have been prevented had Cozzens judged Tinker's high fly rightly. In the fifth inning Amherst succeeded in bunching three of their six hits, which, aided by a wild pitch, again forced two men across the plate. The other two runs were made in the third and ninth as a result of loose fielding.

Though the 'Varsity made seven errors, in nearly every case misses of easy chances, they were all failures due to eagerness rather than to listlessness. Haughton especially was ever ready to take advantage of opportunities and in several instances finely supported McCornick in wild throws across the diamond.

Other features of the game were Laughlin's fast fielding, Rand's batting and Gregory's beautiful catch of a long fly in deep centre.

The score is:



a. b. r. b.h. p.o. a. e.

Laughlin, s. s., 5 2 2 0 3 1

Chandler, r. f., 0 0 0 1 1 1

Rand, l. f., 6 3 3 1 1 0

Burgess, r. f., 6 3 1 0 0 0

Haughton, 2b., 3 2 0 1 4 1

Cozzens, c. f., 3 1 1 1 0 1

McCornick, 1b., 4 2 1 16 1 1

Clark, 3b., 5 2 0 1 3 1
