

Committee Encouraged by Consideration of Practical Methods.

The University Club Committee makes the following report of its plans and its work up to date. The work of collecting information to be distributed among graduates in pamphlet form has just been completed but the war events of course render it inadvisable to send out any appeal at present.

The report follows:

To the Editors of the Crimson:

DEAR SIRS:- The Undergraduate University Club Committee after careful consideration of practical methods of running a University Club have felt very much encouraged. From the managers of the Pennsylvania University Club we have found that Houston Hall, their club, where the annual dues of the members are only $2.00, has been self-supporting.

Mr. R. S. Peabody has kindly drawn plans for a building, containing all that is desired, which can be built for less than was at first expected. The committee wish to express their thanks to Mr. Peabody, not only for the plans, but for much assistance and advice of a general nature.


The committee has completed its preparations for issuing an explanatory pamphlet, containing Mr. Peabody's plans, to be sent to all alumni, but owing to the war deem it wise to delay its publication.

Yours truly, JAMES H. HYDE, Chairman.
