

To appear in this column, notices must be left at the office before 9 p. m.

TRACK TEAM.- The following men entered in the class games Saturday must be examined today before four without fail: C. H. Whitney, A. L. Nickerson, M. D. Whitman, J. F. Sanborn, M. Donald, W. P. Burden, P. M. Jaffray, Laverack, C. J. Swan, Holmes, H. B. Keane, R. A. Leeson, J. Barney, W. Phillips, A. Fuller, V. H. Smith.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight in 4 Apley Court at 8.00 sharp. All must be present.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 6.45 sharp.

FRESHMEN who desire to join a class company report at the Gymnasium to drill at 4 p. m. Friday.

1900 Drill Squad.- Meet today behind the Gymnasium 4.30.



Harding, Dubois, Bancroft, Sheafe, Tilton, Peirce, Garrett, F. N. Morrill, C. H. Morrill, Clark, Davis, Butler, Lee, Huntington, Conroy, Hawes row at 4 p. m. Wood, Coonley, Kinnicutt, Sherburne, Fabyan, Ayer, Schlesinger, Martin, Graham, Leeson, Livermore, Wadleigh, Goodwin, and all other men wishing to try for any of the crews report at 3.30. Freshman crew row at 3.30.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal at 4.45 in L. S. S. 1.

HOT TOMALES.- Be out at 3.15: Hall, Eldridge, Young, Drinkwater, Ward, Barnes, Eustis, Pitman, Hildreth.

PHI BETA KAPPA.- All men wishing keys should send in names and money as soon as possible. Keys will be ordered May 1.

UNIVERSITY DEBATING CLUB.- Members wishing to attend dinner after Princeton debate send names as soon as possible to B. R. Robinson, 14 Little's Block. Price $2.50 per plate.
