
Dress Rehearsal of "Boscabello."

The dress rehearsal of "Boscabello," this year's Pudding play went off successfully yesterday afternoon. Both the book and the music are fully up to the standard of previous performances. There are the usual number of local hits, and the common liberties are taken with the plot. The music throughout is lively and catchy, and many of the numbers are above the average; notably the march which occurs in the first act. This easile takes rank with "Up the Street" and Sousa's marches. The "Toreador" song in the last act reminds one strongly of "Carmen," although this resemblance lessens as the song progresses. The prelude to the second act is also unusually good.

The play was admirably staged, the costumes being elaborate and novel and the scenic effects well managed. The costumes of the guards and of the "Daughters of Piracy" were especially noticeable. Both principals and chorus showed careful training, and there were no serious hitches in the performance. The dances were one of the most pleasing features. Particular mention should be made of the dances of the sailors and the Spanish women, which occur in the first act. The most amusing feature of the performance was the "Beacon Babies" who made a hit with their parody in the second act. The specialties in this act also produced the usual amont of fun.

Of the principals, H. Woodruff '98, A. F. Riggs '98, and N. Perkins '98 do the bulk of the work and do it extremely well. Riggs is especially to be commended. He is on the stage from the beginning to the end, and does more to keep things going lively than any other man in the cast. By the aid of an aweinspiring make-up he looks and acts the part of General Bluff most successfully.

The best piece of characterization is done by J. F. Brice '99 as Lord Howe Poor. Under this title he supplies an amusing presentation of a British "chappie," with a voice that goes up, and a slothful sense of humor. He is at his best in the "Chumley Song."

P. Jewell, 2d, '99, acts as box-office official for the bull fight and afterwards sells patent medicines with much enterprise. The part is by no means an easy one, but he puts plenty of vim into it, and is likely to score a success.


In the second act an important feature is the live stock. Abull, a horse, and two monkeys do much to enliven the situation.

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