
Pudding Play Cast.

The cast and chorus of the Pudding play as finally made up are:

General Bluffe (guards the treasure; a hero in disguise), A. F. Riggs '98.

Factotum (his left-hand man), N. Perkins '98.

Phil Spayce (a reporter; also does a little in the bull-fighting line), H. M. Woodruff '98.

Lord Howe Poore (correspondent for London Hard Times), J. F. Brice '99.


Holda Penn (reporter for the Ladies' Home Journal), C. H. L. Johnston '99.

Mr. Beacon (a Boston banker), H. G. Brooks '98.

Mrs. Beacon (a Boston bankeress), J. E. N. Shaw '98.

Penelope Beacon (a blue-blooded Back Bay belle), R. deK. Gilder '99.

Montgomery Beacon (little, but-O T. E. Catlin '99.

Dorothea Beacon (little, but-O my), D. K. Catlin '99.

Susette (their French nurse-chic, but no chicken), M. S. Greenough '98.

Enri 'Awkins (valet), L. L. Gillespie '98.

Bella Donna (gushing, giggling matinee girl), T. M. Hastings '98.

Prima Donna (gushing, giggling matinee girl), F. Jordan '98.
