The January number of the Monthly is exceptionally good. The graduate outnumber the undergraduate contributions; the field of the Advocate is not encroached upon.
"Brief Memorial Addresses at Morning Prayers in Appleton Chapel, October 5, 6, 26, 1897," on Professor Lane, Professor Allen and Librarian Justin Winsor is contributed by Dr. Peabody. This is followed by a touching tribute to the memory of Marshall Newell, written by one of his class-mates.
The fiction of the number is confined to two undergraduate sketches. J. T. Stickney '95, has in this issue seven sonnets, some of which will doubtless be understood by the average undergraduate.
C. B. Newton 1 G., is the author of "The Recent Crisis in India," a political and historical essay of a good deal of weight. He seems to be a master of his subject and of the historical style of Macaulay. The paragraphing in particular reminds one of Macaulay's rhetorical methods.
The prologue of Nekrasov's well known epic, "Who Lives Happily in Russia," is translated into a striking form of blank verse by Leo Wiener. The work has been revised by Dr. A. C. Coolidge and is notable as being the first complete translation of the Prologue.
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