

The cupola in Weld needs repairing.

There was a cut in Latin 5 yesterday.

The spring recess begins a week from tomorrow.

The '82 tug-of-war team was nine pounds under weight.

'82 won more cups last Saturday than any other class.


The nine will order their new uniforms while in New York.

Orders for class photographs can be handed in until April 1st.

There will be a recitation in Chemistry 1 this week on lead and tin.

Robinson, the trainer, has a training room in the H. P. C. building.

The Bowdoin papers regard the boating prospects as decidedly gloomy.

Complaint is made that no postal cards can be obtained at the post-office.

Prof. Norton's remarks in Fine Arts 3 yesterday were very appropriate.

The examination in freshman physics yesterday gave general satisfaction.

The dress rehearsal of the Pi Eta Juniors will be on Thursday at 3 P. M.

Papers throughout the country are showing increased interest in college matters.
