NEW E flat Besson cornet with C attachment for sale. Write or apply at 18 Felton Hall, Cambridge. 80 24
TRACEY'S Cafe and Dining Rooms for students. Meal tickets, 18 meals, $5.00. Unequalled board and best of service. Club tables to let. 77 12
THE pictures of the D. K. E. theatricals are now ready at Pach's Studio. A few thousand pencils are still left. 86 6
L. PINKOS AND CO., Tailors.- Grand opening in our new store, 1122 Mass. Ave., (opp. Remington St.). A great reduction in prices for the months of January and February. Call and examine. 75 tf
ECONOMICS 1 and 9, Government 1, Philosophy 1a, History 13. Tutoring.
F. W. Dallinger, A. M., 5 Hilton Block. Mondays, 8.30-9.30 a. m.; Wednesdays and Fridays, 7-8 p. m. 79 10
DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. S. J. Chandler's meets at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday nights. Private lessons by appointment. Residence, 290 Harvard street, corner of Clinton street. 2 tf
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