
Special Notice.

UNIVERSITY TAILORING CO., 1116 Massachusetts Ave.88 tf

FOR SALE.- A new 441 Washburn Banjo which has never been used. Owner paid $40 for the instrument, but will sell cheap for cash. A great chance to get one of the best banjos made very cheap. Addres X, Crimson Office. 87 tf

TICKETS to all points West via Boston and Albany, New York Central, Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Big Four and connections. Berths and information may be obtained from

H. F. LUNT AND W. F. LLOYD, 27 Thayer Hall.Office hours, 6.30-7.30 p. m. 81 tf

To Charter for the Races on the Hudson, to a select and responsible party, a fine seaging steam yacht, 120x17. Ample accommodations. Now in Boston. Captain Wheele, P. O. Box 1650 Boston.

