Guitars-F. M. Wilder, A. G. Mason, A. M. Farlie, E. D. Bond.
Mandolin Club.
President, G. A. Wilder; secretary, M. Seasongood; leader, G. Maniere.
First Mandolins-G. H. Wilder, M. Seasongood, G. Maniere, R. F. Bolles, E. Euston.
Second Mandolins-C. M. Bill, H. G. Parchen, R. P. Dana, A. Le R. Becker.
Guitars-H. J. Davenport, R. S. Mason, A. F. Gottholdt.
'Cellist-P. J. Sache.
The Freshman Musical Clubs give a concert and dance in Concord on Monday, May 24. Special rates of fifty cents for the round trip have been obtained and a train will leave Porter's Station, North Cambridge, at 6.13, returning after the dance. Concert and railway tickets can be obtained at Sanborn's by signing the blue book and paying one dollar.