The costumes and scenery are being designed by L. Pitts '97, who studied at Julian's Academy, Paris. The coaching is under the direction of James Gilbert, who has done it in former years.
The play is divided into three acts. The first is laid in New Amsterdam at the close of the seventeenth century. The inhabitants of the town become indignant with the Burgermeister and this ill feeling is brought to a head by the arrival of Mixit, Munrab, and the wandering musician. The inhabitants decide to return to Holland and for that purpose invoke the aid of the Fairy Godmother.
Instead of going back to Holland she suggests that they visit some American city as it will be in 200 years. They finally decide upon going to Cambridge, Mass. In the second act the discontents are just ariving in Harvard square. They, however, find their lot still less independent than in New Amsterdam and soon return. With the aid of the Fairy Godmother they once more reappear at the beginning of the third act in New Amsterdam. They take with them a Harvard student who is captivated by a Dutch maiden. The Burgermeister, distressed at the absence of his entire community, welcomes them with open arms. A fete is given in their honor and once more peace reigns.
The dialogue is more replete with local hits than formerly and the play tends to return to the truer type of college theatricals.
The follewing officers of the club have been elected for the second half-year: President, M. E. Stone, Jr., '97; vicepresident, N. P. Hallowell '97; secretary, W. Woodward '98; treasurer, S. L. Fuller '98; Kr., H. T. Nichols '97; chorister, J. A. Carpenter '97.