
The Official Vote.

Out of a possible 420 votes, 397 or 95 per cent. were cast in the Senior election yesterday. Hardly as much consistency as might have been expected was shown in the preparation of the ballots, but the tellers rejected no ballots whatever on account of irregular marking, and wherever it was at all possible to determine the elector's intention, credit was given.

It will be seen by the official count published below that almost every man was elected to office by a majority vote of the whole class.

Marshals.1st 2d 3d

Perkins, 204 117 60

Goodrich, 143 213 33


Cabot, 47 49 272

Orator.Grilk, 259

Morgan, 130

Odist.Waldo, 261

Odde, 116

Class Committee.For Chairmanship.

Woodward, 191

Bouve, 136

Knox, 49

Class Day Committee.Total For Chair-

Vote. manship.

Shaw, 345 96

Bigelow, 320 139

Brent, 234 59

Barton, 157 56

McVey, 100 18

Photograph Committee.Total For Chair-

Vote. manship.

Redpath, 347 117

Fuller, 315 110

Dorman, 285 69

Brown, 209 37
