
Special Notice.

HARVARD MEN.- Ducharme's barber shop is the only one reserved for your patronage in Cambridge. For years with Young's Hotel. Now post office block. At popular prices. Bring your razors for sharpening, etc. 2-tf

TYPEWRITING, Manifolding, Shorthand. W. E. Weaver '98, 44 College House 45 tf

TUTORING.- Greek, Latin, German and French courses.

J. H. WALDEN, PH. D., 13 Mt. Auburn Street.31 15

THE old stand at Foster's is the best place in Cambridge to get a good lunch. All kinds of temperance drinks. 7 tf


HAVE you any trouble with your feet in the way or corns, ingrowing toe nails, etc.? If so, it is simply because you wear shoes that do not fit properly, and shoes that don't fit are as bad as shoes that fit too tight. If you want comfort, as well as style and durability, don't waste any time in getting a pair of shoes made to fit your feet by

NEWMAN THE SHOEMAN.NEWMAN'S custom shoes are the finest specimens of shoe-making ever seen, and every pair is made right in the store. You can come in and see your shoes making. All hand work. Just call in.


STUDENTS.- Buy your second-hand text books at the Harvard Book Store, near Post Office, 33 Brattle St. 1-tf

LOWEST Railroad rates to all points west, via West Shore and Hoosac Tunnel Route. Sleeping Berths reserved in advance. Apply at New England Office, 300 Washington Street. A. A. Smith, N. E. Agt.; A. V. Fisher, City Ticket Agent. 66 4

GEO. T. MOFFATT, Stenographer.- Theses and Themes typewritten on short notice. Dictation work a specialty. Crimson office.

STUDENTS going home for Christmas and wishing to take their cameras with them will find a supply of films, plates, etc., for sale at Pach's, Crimson office.

EXCELLENT board and good service can be obtained for $6.00 per week at 1190 Mass. Ave., opposite Beck Hall. Club tables to let. Transients accommodated. 7 tf

REDUCED RAILROAD FARES.- To Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and all points South and West. J. F. Marsten, 39 Thayer Hall. Office hours: 1.30 to 2.30 and 6 to 7. 64 10

TICKETS and berths for all points west, via B. and A., and connections. Full information as to rates, trains, etc. Special facilities for reserving berths. Lloyd, Lunt and Symonds, 27 Thayer Hall, 1.30-2.30 p. m.; 6.00-7.30 p. m. 65 tf

STENOGRAPHER wanted, near Harvard square, for two weeks during vacation, or permanently a few hours a week. State qualifications and lowest terms. Address "E. V.," Crimson office.

LOST.- In Scientific School, Dec. 15, a dark overcoat. Finder please return to 48 Garden street, or to Crimson office and receive reward.

REDUCED RATES for round trip tickets via Hoosac Tunnel Route, will be made to all students intending to visit their homes for the Holiday vacation. For particulars call or write to,

J. R. WATSON, G. P. A. F. R. R., Boston, Mass.68 4

THE Society of Decorative Art, 14 East 34th St., New York. Sofa Pillows, curtains, flags, artistic furnishings of all kinds, suitable for students' rooms. Shopping to order. 3 3m.
