

FOOTBALL PICTURE: The following men be at Pach's studio at 1.30 o'clock today: Cabot, Swain, Wheeler, Bouve, Doucette, Haskell, Shaw, Donald, Mills, Moulton, Garrison, Dibblee, Warren, Parker, Haughton, Boal, Richardson, Cochrane, Sawin.

FRESHMAN CREW.- All candidates for the 1901 crew meet in the rowing room of the gymnasium at 5 o'clock this afternoon.

REFERENCES for the Freshman trial debate will be found on shelf 19 of the Library, or upon application to the attendant.

FRENCH PLAY.- All men who take part in Athalie be at Notman's studio, 1286 Mass. avenue, at 1.30 sharp today (Friday), for group photograph. Costumes, wigs, etc., will be at the studio. Report all cuts to section leaders.

ATHALIE USHERS.- The following men have been appointed as ushers for the third performance of Athalie, this evening: Albright, Brent, Brooks, Chandler, Choate, Dobyns, Emmons, Endicott, Fordyce, Hastings, Hoguet, Hyde, Ingraham, R. M. Johnson, Jordan, Kinnicutt F. H., Kinnicutt G. H., Otis, Phillips H. A., Prentiss, Prooter, Rice A. H., Rice J. C., Scaife. The doors open at 7 and all ushers must be at Sanders at 6 45 sharp. No badges will be given out after 6.55.


'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal today in L. S. S. 1 at 4.45. mwf

SOME members of the Social Union are very desirous of forming a mandolin class. Will any one who could spare a short time one evening a week, for teaching such a class kindly drop a postal to 57 Hastings Hall.

HARVARD CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- Mr. Gailey will be in Grays 17 from 9 to 11.45 to talk with any men who would like to see him.

ANY candidate for this year's Mott Haven team wishing to do any work preliminary to the regular winter work can do so by joining the squad which meets every day at four o'clock, Saturdays excepted.

SPRINGFIED CLUB.- Annual dinner at Trinity Court, Dartmouth street, Saturday evening at 8. No dress suits.

THE Harvard Free Silver Club meets at Grays 11, Friday night, Dec. 10, at 7.30. All advocates of the cause, whether members or not, are invited.

MILTON ACADEMY CLUB.- There will be a meeting at 31 Bow street, Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 8 p. m.
