CARL PFLUEGER, Teacher of Singing, 21 Trowbridge St., Arragement for lessons from 4 to 5 p. m. 25 3
Scribner's Beautiful Eds. of Stevenson, 21 vol.; Kipling, 12 vol.; Eugene Field, 10 vol.; Barrie, 8 vol.; Houghton, Mifflin and Co's Eds. of Lowell, 11 vol.; Hawthorne, 15; Holmes, 15; Whittier, 9; Longfellow, 14; and Emerson, 14 vol., illus. with 349 Photogravures; their new Ed. of Bret Harte. Little Brown and Co.'s New and Elegant Ed. of Francis Parkman, 20 vol., 120 ill. by Goupil and Col., Paris. All Eds. of the Standard Authors from $12 to $100 (Eds. de Luxe); Superb Ed. of the Arabian Nights (unexpurgated), 15 vol.- very rare. Standard Dictionary and Encyclopaedia Brittanica.
The complete set delivered and payments of $1 or $2 per month satisfactory.
Address X, Crimson.25 2
A FRONT room to let, with board. Table board $4.00 per week. 41 Walker street. 27 2
BOXING.- Do you want to take boxing lessons? If so there is no better man than Wm. S. Gordon, who has been appointed instructor at the Gymnasium. Lessons at Gymnasium or at rooms. Wm. S. Gordon, New England School of Boxing, 127a Tremont street, Boston. 27 tf
"BE good and you will be lonesome" Mark Twain's crowning effort, "Following the Equator," now ready. Obtained only by subscription. Agents wanted. Place and Winston, General Agents for Cambridge, 467 Broadway, 27 6