Oct. 20, Anthony Hope.
Selections from "The Prisoner of Zenda," "The Dolly Dialogues," "Phroso."
Nov. 17, Mr. Louis Fagan, late of the Department of Prints and Drawings of the British Museum (retired).
"Some of the Treasures of the British Museum." Illustrated.
Dec. 8, F. Marion Crawford.
"Pope Leo XIII, and The Vatican."
Jan.-, John Fox, Jr., Author of "A Cumberland Vendetta," "Hell for Sartin'," "The Kentuckians," etc.
Course tickets, $2.50. Admission to single lecture, $1.00.
For sale at Sever's, Harvard square, after Oct. 6. 11 10
STUDENTS ROOMS.- Read's Dormitory, Boylston St., near College buildings. This avenue leads to Soldier's Athletic Field, Boat Houses and Cambridge Park. A few suites, parlor and two bed rooms and single rooms. Steam heat, bath rooms, hot and cold water. Prices very moderate. Apply to Janitor, Boylston St. 2 tf
JOSEPH J. TRACEY, caterer, 1190 Mass. Ave. Dining rooms for transients. Club tables with seats from 8 to 14. Good service, excellent board. Catering in all its branches given personal attention. Opposite Beck Hall. 7 tf
TO LET.- A finely situated suite of rooms on corner of Mt. Auburn and Holyoke streets. Corner room. Suitable bonus. Apply at 18 Plympton St. 16 2
LOST.- A gold pin with small diamond at the Freshman game on Thursday, near the furthest side line. $3 reward. Apply to G, Crimson office.
FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRY.- Work done by the Harvard Custom Laundry. Goods collected and delivered free of charge. Send postal and team will call. Address 9 Madison St., Cambridge.
WANTED.- Reliable person as exclusive agent for Hills Biography. 50 per cent profit. Copies seen at this office. For particulars address, T. F. McDonald, 124 Washington St., Boston.