12 2
Mr. C. H. Moerenhout, soloist, (pupil of Ysaye) will give private instruction to Harvard students. Hours of consultation: Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon, Sever's Bookstore. Information may be obtained from Professor J. K. Paine. 9 6
WANTED.- First year law student for special reading about 3 hours per day. Address stating terms and references, H, Crimson Office.
"CLASS OF 1901." Get all your clothes pressed once a week during college year for $10.00 each. Call at 7 Brattle, or drop postal to L. G. MacKeigan, P. O. Box 36, Cambridge. 4 tf
JOSEPH J. TRACEY, caterer, 1190 Mass. Ave. Dining rooms for transients. Club tables with seats for 14. Good service, excellent board. Catering in all its branches given personal attention. Opposite Beck Hall. 7 tf
THE Cantabrigia Club begs leave to call your attention to the following course of lectures and readings to be given in Sanders Theatre, for the benefit of the Radcliffe College Scholarship Fund, on the following evenings at eight o'clock.
Oct. 20, Anthony Hope.
Selections from "The Prisoner of Zenda," "The Dolly Dialogues," "Phroso."
Nov. 17, Mr. Louis Fagan, late of the Department of Prints and Drawings of the British Museum (retired).
"Some of the Treasures of the British Museum." Illustrated.
Dec. 8, F. Marion Crawford.
"Pope Leo XIII, and The Vatican."
Jan.-, John Fox, Jr., Author of "A Cumberland Vendetta," "Hell for Sartin'," "The Kentuckians," etc.
Course tickets, $2.50. Admission to single lecture, $1.00.
For sale at Sever's, Harvard square, after Oct. 6. 11 10
TO LET.- Double suite No. 16 Ware Hall. Second floor, corner room. Lease will be sold at a reduction of $50. Apply at No. 9 Little's Block. 12 3
BONUS of $50 for anybody taking Room 25, Holyoke House, third floor, facing the square. Two single bedrooms and bathrooms on the same floor. Inquire of janitor.
FOR SALE CHEAP.- 1895 Victor Bicycle. Little used. Good condition. New tires. Price $30.00. Apply till Friday at 60 Brattle street.