TUTORING.- Thorough drill in undergraduate work and for all examinations. Greek, Latin, Semitic, German. Experience and best references. Max Benshimol, A. M., 48 Highland avenue, Cambridge, off Broadway. tf
TUTORING.- For examinations in Greek, Latin, German. Careful and thorough instruction.
J. H. WALDEN, PH. D., 13 Mt. Auburn street.76 6t
FOR VERY LOW RENT.- Students' Rooms; study, bedroom and bath. Can be seen at 15 Shepherd's Block, Holyoke street. Inquire of C. B. Crockett, 43 Water street, Medford, Mass. 73 10
TUTORING in Science Courses-Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Mineralogy, Zoology, Botany.
PORTER E. SARGENT, A. B. ('96.)Hours, 2-2.30, 6.30-7.30. 49 Matthews.
75 tf
FOUND.- A bicycle, 2 months ago. Owner can procure by identifying immediately and paying for this and previous advertisements. Call at University 4. 58 tf
MR. H. H. FURNESS, LL. D., of Philadelphia, will read Shakespere's Henry V, for the benefit of the Massachusetts Indian Association, on Thursday, March 4, at 3 o'clock. Reserved seats, from 75 cents to $2.00 according to location, may be bought from the following ladies: Miss Dewey, 96 Chestnut street; Mrs. Curtis Guild, Jr., 124 Marlboro street; Mrs. R. T. Paine, 6 Joy street; Mrs. C. H. Parker, 33 Chestnut street. 91 2
TUTORING.- Semitic 6.12, 14, 15, Greek 10, Philosophy 5, History, 1, 9, 10, 12, 19, Fine Arts 4, Government 1.
W. W. NOLEN, 2 Manter Hall.78 tf
TUTORING in History 1, History 10, Govt. 1, Economics 1, and Phil 1. Latest notes, etc. Three years successful experience.
Call or address 4 Hollis Hall.
R. W. SPRAGUE, JR., A. B.84 8
TUTORING.- German A, B, 1a, 1b, 2, 3, 4, 6; Geology 4; Political Economy I.
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