
Special Notice.

Call or address 4 Hollis Hall.

R. W. SPRAGUE, JR., A. B.84 8

LOST.- Part of a gold sleeve link. Mark, R. G. H. Will the finder please return it to 6 Read's Block. 84 6

MRS. RANSFORD of 22 Prescott Street has a club table unexpectedly vacant.

Also two seats at general table. 84 6


FOUND.- A bicycle, 2 months ago. Owner can procure by identifying immediately and paying for this and previous advertisements. Call at University 4. 58 tf

PHYSICS B, Physics C, Physics 1, Math. A, Math. D. Tutoring in above courses. Sixth year as tutor.

A. E. DOUCETTE, 3 Holyoke House.Also tutoring in Italian 1, Spanish 1, German A, French A, by an experienced tutor.

F. C. COMMONS, Gr., 3 Holyoke House.IMPORTANT: Suits cleansed and pressed for 75c.; trousers 20c.; and one suit, once a week until June 30, '97, for $7.00. Called for and returned in a satisfactory manner. Drop postal. L. G. MacKeigan, Tailor, 15 Brattle street, just opposite Post Office. 72 tf
