

Practice Began 'Monday, September 21 A Short Schedule.

Fitch, l. e.

Cochrane, q. b. q. b., Wadsworth.

R. S. Davis, q. b. q. b., Valentine.

Wrightington, l. h. b. r. h. b., Cozzens.

Hannavan, l. h. b. r. h. b., Mills.


Sullivan, r. h. b. l. h. b., Warren '97.

Livermore, r. h. b.

Dunlop, f. b. f. b., Brown. f. b., Weld.

The playing was brisk throughout. Several times brilliant plays were made, the one which brought out the first applause being a beautiful drop kick by Brown. Wrightington, Cozzens and Mills did the best rushing, while Irwin-Martin tackled well.

Cabot, who is nursing a cracked nosebone; J. N. Shaw, Donald and Haughton, who are more or less bruised, were not in the line-up. The latter two did not even show up for practice. They are expected out today, however, as is also Wheeler '98. Frank Shaw, the only one of the old men not yet on hand, will probably join the squad tomorrow afternoon. The practice today will be at 11.30 and at 3.30. This will be the last day of morning practice.

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