
Special Notice.

TICKETS for all points West, via Boston and Albany, New York Central, Lake Shore, Big Four, Michigan Central, Northern Steamship Co., Great Northern. Convention rates to St. Louis.

LLOYD and LUNT, 27 Thayer Hall.Office hours, 6.30-7.30 p. m. 96 2

TUTORING in Greek and Latin, German A, B, and 1b, French A, 1a, 1b, and 1c.

W. M. CANNON A. M., 15 Hollis.91 10t

PACKING BOXES for sale. Apply to W. H. Eveleth, superintendent of grounds.


97 6t

FOUND, in College Yard, two bicycles. Owners can obtain same by proving property. Call on Mr. Cutler in Massachusetts Hall.

97 2t

HARVARD SEALS, Harvard China, Harvard Spoons, etc., at Olsson's. The large Class pictures framed suitably for $1.80 and less.

97 2t

TUTORING.- Engineering 1a, Algebra and Geometry, for admission.

P. R. DEAN, 22 Hollis.FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for students, in a private family. Moderate charge.

MRS. KULLMAN, 5 Temple St., Cambridgeport.97 3t
