The dates of the three concerts to be given by the Freshman musical clubs were decided upon at a meeting of the officers yesterday afternoon. The first concert will be given in Brookline, May 9; the Cambridge concert on May 16, and one at Worcester, May 22. The make-up of the Banjo and Mandolin Clubs has been practically decided upon, but the Glee Club will be cut down slightly before the concerts. The following are the names of the men in the clubs at present:-
Glee Club.
L. E. Ware, president.
M. S. Savage, secretary.
H. Denison, leader.
First Tenors.- Root, Fernald, Leen, Ullman, Fairbank.
Second Tenors.- M. Stearns, Homans, Savage, Wing, Spenser, Ware, Turner, Holt.
First Basses.- Whitbeck, Scudder, M. D. Whitman, Haughton, Swan, Stearns, McKittrick, M. Whitman, Preston, Adams.
Second Basses.- Talmadge, Taylor, Burton, Bacon, Clarkson, Morse.
Banjo Club.
L. T. Baker, president.
Philip French, secretary.
J. A. Burnham, leader.
Banjeaurines.- J. A. Burnham, L. T. Baker, E. A. Boardman, W. Smith, C. S. Edgell, A, C. Spaulding,.
Piccolo Banjo.- H. L. Meader.
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Notice.COLLEGE NINE.- Practice on Holmes Field at 3.00. FRESHMAN BASEBALL.- Practice on Soldiers Field at 3 sharp. FRENCH PLAY.- Rehearsal